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Victor Grauer



It was a scratch
A scratch
Just a scratch
A small scratch
A scratch on the neck
A scratch from quiet Maria
A scratch from the other night
Or the night before
A scratch on the neck
Just a small scratch
Suddenly he felt it
It felt like nothing
A scratch
It was just a scratch
He held firmly
To the seat of the chair
He didn't touch the scratch
Maria's scratch.


There was only a little pain
From the tiny scratch
On the side of the neck
He held firmly
To the seat of the chair
Dreaming suddenly
Of small Maria
In her tight clothes
And her loose clothes
Dreaming suddenly
Of small Maria
With her cute hat
And her smart purse
Her wild eyes
And her warm lips
Dreaming also
Of a tree
Beside a small yellow-green bush
And a floating house
He began to feel bad
Though there was only a little pain
From the scratch.


There was a great celebration
But he didn't feel like celebrating
He held firmly
To the seat of the chair
And saw the huge room fading
And heard the huge noise fading
And the huge silence fading
And the darkness fading
From the scratch
He held firmly
To the seat of the chair
The up and down-ness fading
The right and left-ness fading
He held firmly
To the seat of the chair
The he and she-ness fading
The me and you-ness fading
From the scratch
And the house was floating
Beside a tree
And the small yellow-green bush
Was really there

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