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Ginger Strand

New World Order

The world is different now. Within the span of a decade, the Internet has redefined communication.

The world is different now. People live faster than they used to, and they are learning more.

The world is different now, as technology and circumstance have considerably changed the marketplace.

The world is different now. I can grow bananas, mangoes, and cassava. The land is our resource to use.

The world is different now. Up until I was 22 years old, the berlin wall was the physical manifestation of the cold war. Now it's a scenic postcard spot.

The world is different now than it was when I was your age. In only thirty years, a visionary feminism has managed to seriously challenge, if not transform, world consciousness.

The world is different now, and you can't just do the same marketing plan.

The world is different now, and customers demand more.

The world is different now and so are its athletes.

The world is different now thanks to Michael Jordan.

The world is different now, and clock speeds don't matter as much.

The world is different now. Instead of job security, you need to focus on career security.

The world is different now than it was just a few short years ago. Silicon Valley feels it. Those out of work feel it.

The world is different now, and we wish the best of luck to the remaining Rhythms employees.

The world is different now and I need a different set of tools to maneuver through it.

The world is different now - and we fear for our own and our children's safety.

The world is different now. And I am alarmed. I'm alarmed at the thought that nuclear holocaust is a button push away.

The world is different now . . . We have an enemy that is invisible to us. There is no profile, no boundaries, no end to the elusive bogeymen that want nothing but to kill us.

The world is different now, and it's time to find alternatives to hierarchies and militarization.

The world is different now, populated by false prophets, deadly paparazzi and a bizarre Mormon faith healer.

You could say, "The world is different now." And you would be right.

We will move forward, we will write letters and articles, make phone calls, hold meetings and tell our government that we understand the world is different now.

The world is different now my little bird is gone i've seen it flying away yesterday
The silence is crying out loud

The world is different now.
Ruins of a great civilization
are shattered at our feet.

Obviously, the world is different now that the events I have warned of have begun to transpire... Still this is no time to panic.

Poem generated from the 693 results of a Google search for the phrase "the world is different now" done on December 11, 2003.

Ginger Strand is a writer of fiction and nonfiction with recent pieces in the Carolina Quarterly, Gettysburg Review, New England Review, Descant and Raritan (Pushcart Prize nomination).  She has just finished her first novel.

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