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David Lumsden

Marina Tsvetaeva: November 1917


Why are the newspapers suddenly pink?
We get them only from soldiers.
If God leaves you among the living ...
Soon the train will come to Moscow.
One needs a pass to enter the city.
Perhaps the house will not be there.
And the children?


Streets empty.
The driver takes a long detour.
I recognize nothing.
The house there still
but men block the way:
The 'House Security Guard'.
You can't come in, they say.
Come back at nine.
This the beginning ...
officials hiding behind
rules and uniforms.

# posted by MarinaTs, 2 November , 1917

1 Comment:

On 13 August 2003, russlitfan said ...
In Moscow I just heard
an old woman shout
at a guard in OVIR:
'You're not a man:
You're a paragraph!'

David Lumsden currently lives in Warsaw, Poland, where he manages a large insurance software development. David's poems have appeared in several journals, including The Formalist (Indiana), P.N.Review (Manchester, U.K), and Poetry Australia.  Work is also forthcoming in the March 2006 issue of Fulcrum Annual (Cambridge, MA).

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