Gary Percesepe ~ Another Crisis

Lester was lament­ing the state of things we’d got­ten our­selves into. “We’ve missed too many boats.” I could see his brain work­ing over­time in there, like his skull was full of pant­i­ng egrets. He wor­ried about any­thing, like the recent hole in Canada. This was how life had become. “You know some­thing,” Lester said, “I don’t care,” mov­ing his lips like the wings of a small but­ter­fly. “Let’s face it, in times like these it’s worth uncork­ing a case of blips from the archives”. We shared a good meal, Lester and me, slurp­ing from the milk pail. Lester grabbed from the new­er veg­eta­bles. “What’s anoth­er cri­sis, we’ve seen worse.” He looked over at his moth­er, who sagged side­ways in a wheel chair. A crowd gath­ered in the lob­by. Every face looked like a din­ner guest sketched on the gaslit air. A downed tree would have put it better.


Gary Percesepe is the author of eight books, most recent­ly The Winter of J, a poet­ry col­lec­tion pub­lished by Poetry Box. He is Associate Editor at New World Writing. Previously he was an assis­tant fic­tion edi­tor at Antioch Review. His work has appeared in Christian Century, Maine Review, Brevity, Story Quarterly, N + 1, Salon, Mississippi Review, Wigleaf, Westchester Review, PANK, The Millions, Atticus Review, Antioch Review, Solstice, and oth­er places. He resides in White Plains, New York, and teach­es phi­los­o­phy at Fordham University in the Bronx.