• Andrew Roe


    Hello there, I say, and you’re stunned, so stunned you don’t say any­thing back, you just stare, stare open-mouthed and silent like I’m a ghost. And okay, all right: that’s what I am. People even­tu­al­ly stop call­ing when calls are not returned. The reflec­tion in the mir­ror starts to look like some­one else—or no one at all.

  • Michael Dwayne Smith

    Camera Lux

    The pho­to­graph is scuffed. She is per­fect and vis­i­ble. There is a horse tan­gled in her hair. It will be two years yet before it escapes. She doesn’t know, though she is smil­ing out to you from with­in the picture’s pool, she doesn’t know yet whether next week she’ll have grown or shrunk by twen­ty feet, but she knows size is always shift­ing, and she knows light makes image possible. 

  • A Note from Diann Blakely

    The Zanesville Bear Cub & the Puritan Tradition

    A tru­ism of American his­to­ry and thought is our country’s ten­den­cy to project evil onto an object and then attempt to destroy that object. We call this “the Puritan tra­di­tion,” and it includes woods, Indians, women pre­sumed to be witch­es, the entire South, New York City when near-bank­rupt­cy, smok­ers, mod­er­ate drinkers and eaters of trans­fats, prac­ti­tion­ers of Islam, those whom the Republicans call “aliens,” and, most recent­ly, exot­ic wildlife set loose in the small town of Zanesville, Ohio. 

  • Nina Lindsay ~ Poems


    mis­trans­la­tion after Chinese “duck” riddle

    Just one among the many ground-scrapers–

    all my struc­tures shak­en from the rat­tle of the trains.

    Everyone here bal­ances their duties with such accom­mo­dat­ing posture;

    pos­es for their big dance num­ber (I put down my book to watch):

    Shoulders Up! And Stumble Back!

    But it’s hard, every­one drops their intangibles,

    rush­es through the yap­ping doors with great chalance.

    That’s it. My pre­car­i­ous agen­da still in its allot­ted space. I turn it on and off. On and off. On and off.

  • Michael Knight

    Our Lady of Consolation

    Ninety-one days after I quit smok­ing, my wife bush­whacked me with a brochure for Our Lady of Consolation. I was already in bed with a ser­i­al killer nov­el. Lake fin­ished brush­ing her hair, then poked her hand into a purse hang­ing on the door­knob, fished out the brochure and dropped it in my lap. On the cover—an aer­i­al pho­to­graph of a white stone monastery nes­tled among bushy pines.

    You need a break,” she said.

  • Brad Watson


    He’d always been stunned by his wife’s beau­ty when she slept.  Sleeping, her nat­ur­al beau­ty was unde­ni­able, entire­ly unin­flu­enced by his feel­ings, her feel­ings, their var­i­ous dif­fi­cul­ties with one anoth­er, resent­ments, by their com­plex his­to­ries, unful­filled long­ings, secrets. In repose, there was noth­ing to inter­fere with the unde­ni­able fact of her phys­i­cal love­li­ness.  You might even say angel­ic.  He would say Perfect, if he believed in per­fec­tion, or believed that any one deliv­er­ance of beau­ty, any one man­i­fes­ta­tion of it, or any one ves­sel shaped into some form of it, could be con­sid­ered ‘more’ beau­ti­ful than some oth­er deliv­er­ance, man­i­fes­ta­tion, shape.

  • Shameless Plug

    Click the link for a first look at Jurgen Fauth’s Kino, a star­tling nov­el com­ing next year from Atticus Books.

  • Meg Pokrass

    I Asked The Lord To Giveth Me A OneTouch

    When I stepped bare­foot on the bee I was aller­gic to bees. The Jesus-man stead­ied me with an even gaze. My attrac­tion to the Jesus-man may have had some­thing to do with feel­ing like a fraud, which I’d been feel­ing for too long. 

  • Blip Magazine ebook

    The sum­mer issue of Blip Magazine is now avail­able on Smashwords as an ebook called Blip Reader 2.3. It is sell­ing for $1.99 and is avail­able in all ebook for­mats (Nook, Kindle, –more

  • Dorianne Laux


    When I was young and had to rise at 5 am
    I did not look at the lamp­light slicing
    through the blinds and say: Once again
    I have sur­vived the night.  I did not raise
    my two hands to my face and whisper:
    This is the mir­a­cle of my flesh.  I walked
    toward the cold water wait­ing to be released
    and turned the tap so I could lis­ten to it
    thrash through the rust­ed pipes.
    I cupped my palms and thought of nothing.

  • Accepting submissions for fall

    We invite sub­mis­sions of 500‑3000 words, fic­tion and non­fic­tion, for the fall issue of Blip Magazine. Submissions should be sent as MSWord files (doc or docx) attached to an e‑mail with a short bio. You may also include your text direct­ly in the e‑mail. –more

  • James Whorton Jr. Feature

    We’re pleased to fea­ture an excerpt from James Whorton’s new nov­el Angela Sloan, just pub­lished by Free Press. Check the Features page above or go straight to “Leaving DC.”

  • Two sites you will want to visit

    Jacinda Russell’s Something Between Want and Desire
    Jacinda Russell’s & Nancy Douthey’s In Search of the Center

  • Frances Lefkowitz feature

    We are for­tu­nate to have a brace, OK, some short of a brace, a group, half dozen almost, of fine small sto­ries by Frances Lefkowitz, plus a con­ver­sa­tion between Frances and our own Meg Pokrass. Apprehend me with mouse to see it now.

  • Objection!

    I hate the blog­ging and any­thing remote­ly blog­gish and all of the crap networking–interesting, yes, for about two weeks after you’ve seen all the avail­able pho­tos of your now shock­ing­ly cor­pu­lent high school acquain­tances.  I’d like to see BLIP force­ful­ly –more

  • Damian Dressick

    Cleaning House

    Kristin vac­u­ums our apart­ment for the sixth time today. She takes her sweet time inscrib­ing elab­o­rate hiero­glyph­ics in the wheat-col­ored wall to wall. A word here, a phrase there. She is writ­ing, she tells me curt­ly, the sto­ry of our marriage.

  • Sarah Salway

    Separate Beds

    They slept in sin­gle beds. My sis­ter and I would sneak upstairs to lie on them when Granny was in the kitchen. We’d divide by gen­der. Laura would take Granny’s and I would take Granddad’s.

  • Jeff Landon Feature

    Today we have for you three sto­ries by Jeff Landon and a short inter­view with the author. Check the FEATURES page or go direct­ly to Algebra.

  • Tiff Holland

    A Pool in February

    From this angle it appears absolute­ly dead,” said Levon. He was look­ing at the legs, the cow stiff in the pool as if it were doing the dead man’s float. He walked around the body slow­ly. Steam still rose from it. It hadn’t been dead long.

    I –more

  • Bonnie ZoBell

    The Pep

    Saul’s tra­di­tion in the 80s, going to the new Peppermint Lounge on 45th, turned rit­u­al once he met the wait­ress with the spark­ly cleav­age, her oral cav­i­ty the most las­civ­i­ous thing he’d ever made it with, which he did every chance he got on those –more