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Theodore Worozbyt



The theorists were scheduled to meet in the auditorium. Some were early, to secure the best seats. Some were late, and made an entrance. The ones who were on time regarded their papers quietly. All agreed the topic had been decided upon. It was a question of great importance to the outcome of the conflict in the east. The moderator had been chosen carefully, by a panel of experts in the field. The lighting seemed dim. This had not been expected. It was a problem to be dealt with first. It was necessary to have the proper light by which to read the papers. A repairman was called in to address the problem. He made an adjustment. All those participating in the symposium were greatly relieved. The conditions were now favorable for the proceedings. The secretary stood at the podium and read the minutes of the prior meeting. The business at hand was underway. The first participant was ready to make a presentation. After the introduction by the moderator, it would begin.

Theodore Worozbyt has received grants from the NEA, and the Georgia and Alabama Councils for the Arts.  His poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in American Poetry Journal, Beloit Poetry Journal, Crazyhorse, Hotel Amerika, Image, New England Review, The North American Review, Northwest Review, Passages North, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Daily, Smartish Pace, The Southern Review and Verse Daily. A Unified Theory of Light has won the 2005 Dream Horse Press chapbook competition and will be published in the spring of 2006

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