Chloe Poizat

CHLOE POIZAT is an artist and illus­tra­tor work­ing in Paris. Her work employs the trans­for­ma­tion of print­ed images that par­tic­i­pate in the gen­e­sis of all her projects, and also in micro nar­ra­tives in which the absurd and black humor cohab­it to make a new gram­mar of the imag­i­na­tion. Her images—peopled with mutants and mon­strous animals—transform the extreme naiveté of their con­tent into a true “noir exoti­cism.” The mon­tage and col­lage appear as recur­rent pre­oc­cu­pa­tions of her work, notably through the inter­semi­otic rela­tion­ships that they engen­der in their liai­son with the ques­tion of the dif­fu­sion of images. Since 1993 her images have been pub­lished in Liberation, Le Monde, Le Magazine Litteraire, XXI, The Drawbridge, The New York Times, and else­where.  She has pro­duced book cov­ers, posters for musi­cal the­ater and films, and numer­ous lim­it­ed edi­tion art books that have received inter­na­tion­al prizes. Her work is reg­u­lar­ly exhib­it­ed in France and abroad, and has a per­ma­nent res­i­dence at Galerie Martine Gossieaux.

Photo of Chloe Poizat © Pascal Béjean



First Set of Images

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