Submission deadline Sept 15th

We’re invit­ing sub­mis­sions for the fall issue of BLIP, edit­ed by Gary Percesepe and Sara Lippman. It is pri­mar­i­ly a fic­tion issue, but if you hap­pen to have a splen­did essay, who knows? Click for details.

October 2010


Selected by Gary Percesepe & Sara Lippmann

How do dai­ly con­ces­sions affect us? How do we bear up under the weight of com­pro­mise? Those tiny adjust­ments we all make, even in our most inti­mate rela­tion­ships, even­tu­al­ly accrue – but how, exact­ly? We’re look­ing for sto­ries of accom­mo­da­tions we’ve known or made or imag­ined, and how they shape us.

As always when we read, we seek the prob­lem­at­ic, the curi­ous, the ill-fit­ting, the remark­able and the mun­dane, work that stays with us, which chal­lenges our tastes and imag­i­na­tions, our spir­its. We thank you for send­ing your best work our way.

Word lim­it: 5,000
Deadline: September 15, 2010

Send sto­ries in MS Word attach­ment to Gary Percesepe or Sara Lippmann at