Heartily sick, sick to the back teeth of these blasted Superdry semaphores bearing down on every street and lane, whichever way you turn. A plague of dunderheads crawling over the earth displaying their membership of the association. Market penetration to die for. The Superdrys would have to be up there with Starbs, Hard Rock & the I HEART SG freebies that originate from the CCs National Day presumably. (Memo: Ask Mr. Lim the PAP fruiterer at his stall in the morning.) Superdry what in flaming hell? Gin? Vodka? Everything dried super in the Tropics: put the washing on the line, dry in a jiffy; following bucketing rain one could walk over ground that had been waterlogged an hour before; fish, shrimp drying in the sun done to a crisp in the blink of an eye. What was this crud they were sporting in soft pastel pinks & yellows? Was there some subtle, soothing reverse mass psychology at work in the wet, steamy Tropics, 96% average humidity? (No way was the author going to take the bait and click.) The cursive script always caught one off balance and where there was more underneath in fine it was invariably missed. Infuriating. The gal at the new garment stall at the Haig the other morning was flummoxed when quizzed about her own tee of a few days previous. The product on her tables was cheap China apparel, blouses, underclothes &etc. WHATEVER YOU WANT she had promised one afternoon on her busty chest, swivelling this way and that as if she was Annie Oakley in a saloon, pistols loaded. Pretty young thing. Local it seemed holding the fort for mum and dad.… Ah.You mean my top?…One before?…No, not for sale here, sorry. Bought outside.… Not the sort to engage in a riff on the matter of personal emblems, credos, messaging whatnot in this republic. Never mind. A first: let it be recorded. And great tease in more than the sexual sense. A fair old encapsulation that of the capitalist lure in this perfect storm of an island here. The new gen. Ayn Rand juniors might flock to it in coming months at the pop-ups in the lanes and along the riverbank. WHATEVER-YOU-WANT. Possibly it might crossover to the chooffers and junkies fair chance, tattooed & pierced, and finally make it to film. You can get the lot, no stopping you, you deserve it. Whatever it is you may want. Great promise right across the globe. Andy Warhol pretty much. If you happened to be a loser, Well, FFF___ you Jack! Once again the guess would be LA or London. Could the designers in Tokyo, Seoul and HK be up to that kinda snazzy speed with their creole? Months past now Everything Is Amazing had been absent on the streets, nowhere to be seen. Blowjob Better Than No Job worn by the young Indo maid like a poor victim in the stocks of old had been a oncer—never sighted more. Meanwhile, Superdry, Pull & Bear, Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch jerk-offs. Never once any mention, not the merest whisper anywhere in this cleanest city on the planet, this celebrated single-party democracy/clan meritocracy/bastion of Western Imperialism where mosquitoes and rodents had been exterminated, the host of Don & Jong-un—never a word about the visual filth assailing all and sundry from every corner. The government sloganeering dished up on the one hand every which way one turned; and on the other all the gross marketing and branding. After a few weeks in the utterly other landscape of Yogyakarta the pupils were seriously aching. Insufferable. Stomach churning. (Sorry to gripe.)
Singapore 2011–2020