Tao Lin ~ Meditation

Somewhat com­plex grumpiness
on the precipice of a beau­ti­ful world
in a lov­ing, mag­i­cal universe
sym­bi­ot­ic with virus­es and bacteria
Persistent, intru­sive thoughts
Chemical vir­tu­al realities
Diatribing in public
Getting lost half on-purpose
Unconsciously dissociating
Poems that sup­ple­ment dreams
Geckos twist­ing and swelling
the invis­i­ble vein of time
Very qui­et clas­si­cal music
Aluminum in brain in autism
Mercury in sea creatures
Tetchy and unstable
filled with men­tal sequelae
reg­u­lar­ly collapsing
into mute despair
and unrea­son­ing fugues
Leaves enjoy brief lives
Horses sound a lit­tle like birds
Shadow gov­ern­ments emerge
on dom­i­na­tor planets
Many North Koreans
are organ­ic farmers
Waves crash and break
My feel­ings seemed erroneous
some­times and ridiculous
Waves that wouldn’t crash or break
Three cats that act­ed like dogs
Negative forms of training
Practicing despair afk
Plants keep changing
Cosmic elec­tric filaments
form dou­ble helixes
Mending my eyes
with tox­ic meditation
Chickens have eyelids
Bamboo fish­ing poles
Two week old okra plants
A sto­ry about 5.5 months


Tao Lin is the author of nine books. His next book, Leave Society, is forth­com­ing from Vintage Books in sum­mer 2021. Visit his web­site at taolin.us