55th Anniversary Collector’s Edition of Original 1962 Super Deluxe Issue No. 2
Title: The Foreboding Visitation
Cover: Anxiety Man, centered in illustration, one hand collaring an alien being (green skin, antennae), the other hand drawn back in a fist ready to pummel it. Behind Anxiety Man stand Special Woman, Private America, Dr. Val Ium, and the Pink Procrastinator, each in fighting posture.
Page 1
SPLASH PANEL (2/3 page): View from space of Earth, the Western Hemisphere sunlit, the Eastern Hemisphere in shadow.
Caption: “The third planet of the Solar System was turning at its usual steady pace. It was a bright sunny day, or a cool tranquil night, for most of the people of the world.”
THREE PANELS (bottom tier): Peruvian farmer tills hillside; American man operates jackhammer on busy city street; French prostitute eyes a patron seductively at a Paris jazz club.
Page 2
PANEL (upper left hand corner): A man in India, using a high-powered rifle equipped with an infrared scope, shoots a tiger through the window of the bedroom where his children lie fast asleep.
SPLASH PANEL (full page): Close-up of handsome man, blue-black hair parted to the side, chiseled features, slightly tan complexion, dressed in black trousers and turtleneck sweater, with a tense expression on his face.
Caption: “But not for Anxiety Man.”
Page 3
SIX PANELS: Sundry anxious expressions shown at different angles, brow depressed or raised to varying degrees, mouth twisted, eyes directed, in different directions. In fourth panel, plewds indicate beads of perspiration spraying from forehead. Fifth panel shows man in silhouette, in an austere room, seated at a table, with bottle of liquor (boosexes on the label). A small bookshelf appears in the background, the titles of some of the books visible on their spines: Being and Nothingness, Being and Time, The Sickness Unto Death. Final panel returns to close-up of man, eyes shut, forehead resting in hand.
Thought Bubble (distributed over six panels): “The Lords of the Ominous Inevitability…the most evil super villains…in the galaxy…are heading…to Earth…in their space ship.”
Page 4
PANEL (upper left hand corner): Man, still with anxious expression, stares into an oval view screen.
Thought Bubble: “I’m not exactly sure what they plan to do. But they can’t be up to any good.”
SPLASH PANEL (full page): The Lords, some with human features, villain-like moustaches, others with pointed ears, antennae, green or blue skin, etc., in variously designed space suits, gather in their space ship around death ray cannon pointed directly at Earth.
Speech Balloons: “Their sun will engulf their planet in flames in 5 billion years or so anyway,” Lord with moustache. “That’s right. We’re just hastening the inevitable,” insectoid Lord. “Why should their sun have all the fun?” young Lord, wearing whoopee cap, suspenders and ragged sweatshirt, foot perched on a skateboard.
Page 5
FIRST PANEL: Anxiety Man, in silhouette, leans over table, both hands clasped over face.
PANELS IN CIRCLE: Anxiety Man slowly removes hands from face until eyes appear, full of despair, staring straight ahead at reader.
Thought Bubble: “The Ladies of the Ominous Inevitability are surely with them. They are even more evil than the Lords.”
CENTER PANEL: Group of marching Ladies, in tight costumes that highlight large breasts and long legs, dispense whip lashes to various groveling humans on the ground.
Speech Balloon: “You’ll wish you had died in the conflagration with the rest of them,” central Lady.
Page 6
FIRST PANEL (upper left hand corner): Anxiety Man, shoulders hunched, stares down at his shoes.
Thought Bubble: “I could definitely use the help of Special Woman. But I’ve been waiting for her for hours.”
SPLASH PANEL: Special Woman’s servant, Mildred, in the foreground, wearing black dress, white apron, and lace cap, knocks on opened bathroom door. In the background, Special Woman, in bathrobe, head wrapped in a bath towel, sits on toilet seat, painting her toenails.
Speech Balloon: “Mizz, I done laid out your super costume on the bed just like you likes it when you getting ready to go out.”
THIRD PANEL (lower right hand corner): Special Woman looks up irritably from the toilet.
Speech Balloon: “Don’t rush me.”
Page 7
FIRST PANEL: Close-up of Anxiety Man, with anxious expression.
Thought Bubble: “I could also use the help of the Pink Procrastinator.”
SECOND AND THIRD PANELS: A chubby Pink Procrastinator, with a blonde crew-cut, in pink costume with light-blue collar, sleeves, and boots, leans casually against the wall of a building, smiling and talking to various people, one of whom is startled (emanata around head) to see a robbery shoot-out occurring in the background.
FOURTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH PANELS: A series of “worry waves” (indicated by radiorads) is transmitted from Anxiety Man’s forehead, propagate through space, and reach the Pink Procrastinator, seated in an armchair, playing with his Procrast-O-Phone.
Thought Bubble (in fourth panel): “I’ve emitted a worry wave informing him of the Inevitable.”
Broadcast Bubble (in sixth panel): “The Inevitable is coming.”
SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PANELS: Close-ups of the Pink Procrastinator, grinning and talking on phone.
Thought Bubbles (in seventh and eighth panels) with tail leading to ninth panel: “He eventually called me” (seventh panel) “and said he could help me – tomorrow or the next day!” (eighth panel).
Speech Balloon (seventh panel): “Hey, how’s it hanging,” Pink Procrastinator.
NINTH PANEL: Close-up of Anxiety Man, with anxious look, staring directly at reader.
Scream Bubble: “By then, it will be too late!”
Page 8
FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD PANELS: Anxiety Man, in silhouette, paces back and forth.
Thought Bubble (first panel): “Where is Special Woman?”
FOURTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH PANELS: Special Woman puckers her lips in front of the mirror, then, still dressed in bathrobe, enters her living room and sits down on the sofa in front of the TV. Mildred looks on.
Caption (fourth and fifth panels): “Meanwhile, Special Woman is still getting ready to go out.”
Speech Balloon (sixth panel): “Mizz, you might wanna know. It nearly noon,” Mildred, standing in foreground, side-view of face showing concerned look.
Speech Balloon (sixth panel): “My nails have to dry,” Special Woman.
Page 9
SPLASH PANEL (full page): Anxiety Man stares into an oval view screen showing a bright luminous dot. An assortment of other electronic equipment, with big knobs, analog dials, and a reel-to-reel tape, is stacked up beside the view screen.
Thought Bubble: “Based on the changes in the apparent luminosity of the Lords’ spaceship, I should be able to calculate the Inevitable’s precise arrival time.”
PANEL (lower right hand corner): Special Woman slouches on the sofa, bare toes pointed upwards, fingers splayed and held upwards (agitrons indicate wiggling of fingers and toes).
Page 10
FIRST PANEL: Same illustration as previous panel.
Speech Balloon: “Mildred!”
Broadcast Bubble (tail pointed toward TV set, shown in sideview): “Richard, I no longer know who you are.”
SECOND PANEL: Same illustration as previous panel, with the exception of Mildred’s worried face appearing on right-hand side.
Speech Balloon: “I haven’t eaten anything yet today. I suppose I should have breakfast,” Special Woman.
Speech Balloon: “You want your usual, toast and grapefruit?” Mildred.
Broadcast Bubble (tail pointed toward TV): “Mary, I know who you are only all too well.”
THIRD PANEL: Same illustration as previous panel, except Mildred’s face is now smiling.
Speech Balloon: “No, I’m really hungry. I’d like some eggs,” Special Woman.
Speech Balloon: “I could scramble some up for you, wouldn’t take no time at all,” Mildred.
Broadcast Bubble (tail pointed toward TV): “Whiter than white whites!”
FOURTH PANEL: Same illustration as previous panel, except Mildred again has a worried expression.
Speech Balloon: “You know, I think I’m in the mood for a soufflé,” Special Woman.
Broadcast Bubble (tail pointed toward TV): “Brighter than bright brights!”
FIFTH PANEL: Anxiety Man seated at work station, with yellow pad and pencil. (Agitrons over fingers indicate frantic movement.)
Speech Balloon: “I can’t concentrate. I’ll never get this math right.”
SIXTH PANEL: Anxiety Man turned sideways in his chair, head inclined downward, hand clasping forehead.
Speech Balloon: “Where’s Special Woman? I can’t do anything without her.”
Page 11
FIRST PANEL: Close-up of Special Woman, back in her bathroom, brushing her teeth. (Agitrons indicate vigorous brushing.)
SECOND PANEL: Close-up of Special Woman flossing her teeth. (Agitrons indicate vigorous flossing.)
THIRD PANEL: Close-up of Special Woman, bath towel removed from her head, blow drying her shoulder-length blonde hair.
FOURTH PANEL (across middle tier): Special Woman dressed in her super costume, a tight-fitting outfit of spandex, yellow with red trim, red on sleeves up to elbow. Special Woman holds her arm out to Mildred.
Speech Balloon: “Mildred, there’s a stain on the sleeve,” Special Woman.
Speech Balloon: “I don’t see no stain, Mizz” Mildred.
Speech Balloon: “I can see it. You’ll have to get me another costume,” Special Woman.
FIFTH PANEL: View of Special Woman from the back, facing a worried Mildred.
Speech Balloon: “All your other regular costumes is at the cleaners. All you have here is your Princess outfits,” Mildred.
Speech Balloon: “Then get me one of those,” Special Woman.
SIXTH PANEL: Anxiety Man, head buried in his arms folded on his desk. (Lightly drawn radiorads indicate faint “worry waves.”)
Thought Bubble: “I know she can pick up on my worrying. Why doesn’t she at least give me a call?”
SEVENTH PANEL: Anxiety Man raises his head, eyes directed toward right side of panel. (Onomatopoeia, e.g. CRASH, THUMP, THUD, indicates loud noise outdoors.)
Partial Maladicta Balloon: “What the [grawlix]?” Anxiety Man.
Page 12
SPLASH PANEL (2/3 page): Illustration of Anxiety Man’s front yard, Anxiety Man in background, standing on front porch. In the foreground, a 50’s‑style panel truck straddles the lawn, a lamppost smashed against its grill. Lettering on the panel of the truck says “Private America. Super Service for Less.” A super-costumed man lies in the bushes, tangled in a stars-and-stripes-patterned cape. He wears a metallic helmet, with no eye holes, down over his face. (Squeans encircle head.)
FIRST PANEL (bottom tier): Anxiety Man stands over the figure of Private America. (Fewer squeans indicate return of consciousness.)
Speech Balloon: “Are you…okay? Wake up!” Anxiety Man.
SECOND PANEL (bottom tier). Private America raises his head and is smiling. (No more squeans.)
Speech Balloon: “Hey, man. Is that you, Anxiety Man? I heard you got some worries on your mind. Just thought I’d drop by, see if I can help you work through them.”
Page 13
FIRST PANEL: Private America, now standing, stumbles about, tangled in his cape (blurgits indicate erratic movement). Anxiety Man watches with dismay.
Speech Balloon: “I better call an ambulance for you,” Anxiety Man.
Thought Bubble: “I’m sure he’s okay. But I gotta get rid of this guy. He’s the last thing I need to deal with today.”
SECOND PANEL: Private America falls into the bushes (hites and briffits indicate fall).
Speech Balloon: “If you could just get me untangled from this cape, I’ll be okay.”
THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH PANELS (middle tier): Series of illustrations of Anxiety Man helping Private America become untangled from his cape (blurgits indicate commotion).
Speech Balloon (fifth panel): “I guess I could use a drink of water,” Private America.
Speech Balloon: “I’ll get you a drink of water, but then I’m calling an ambulance,” Anxiety Man.
SIXTH PANEL: Anxiety Man steps through the doorway of his house. Following him, Private America, large cape billowing behind him, trips on the porch steps (blurgits indicate stumbling).
SEVENTH PANEL: In the foreground, Anxiety Man, viewed from the back, stands and watches Private America in the background, who, with hands outstretched before him, whirls his head about (indicated with blurgits).
Speech Balloon: “How can you see anything through that helmet of yours?” Anxiety Man.
Speech Balloon: “Just keep talking, and I’ll be able to follow you,” Private America.
Page 14
FIRST PANEL: In the foreground, close-up of Anxiety Man (image recedes into right edge of panel). In the background Private America stands in front of the door in Anxiety Man’s living room.
Speech Balloon: “I’m getting you a glass of water. You just stand there, and don’t move,” Anxiety Man.
Speech Balloon: “So what is it you’re worried about today?” Private America.
SECOND PANEL: Anxiety Man, in his kitchen, fills a glass with water.
Speech Balloon: “Nothing. Nothing I can’t handle by myself.”
Thought Bubble (underneath speech balloon): “I certainly don’t need any help from you.”
Speech Balloon (tail directed to left edge of panel toward Private America, who remains in the living room): “Say! Where’d you go?” Private America (emanata indicates confusion).
THIRD PANEL: Private America walks into lamp on end table (briffits indicate collision).
FOURTH PANEL: Anxiety Man, back from the kitchen with glass of water, steadies Private America, whose cape is beginning to wrap around him.
Speech Balloon: “There’s a chair right here. Sit down, and don’t move. Here’s your glass of water,” Anxiety Man.
FIFTH PANEL: Private America, seated in armchair, holds glass of water. Cape is draped around his elbows.
Speech Balloon: “So where’s Special Woman. I thought maybe I’d find her here.”
SIXTH PANEL: Anxiety Man bends over to pick up lamp.
Thought Bubble: “Yes, where is Special Woman? I could use her help now more than ever,” Anxiety Man.