Vincent Barry ~ That “Nimrod”

.… MEDCAT. The Bar. Driver’s license knowl­edge test. Jeez! It’s like prep­ping for an exam. But can you prep for death with twen­ty par­lor game ques­tions? … Twenty Questions. You remem­ber— oh, of course not. Well before your time. Twenty Questions—a radio quiz show in the 1940s. Very pop­u­lar. Sponsored by Ronson Lighters. Dumont TV ran it from ’51 to ’54. Wildroot Cream Oil.… Ronson? Dumont? Wildroot? Doesn’t mat­ter. I used to be in adver­tis­ing. The orig­i­nal “mad man,” you could say. Right, right, Mad Men.… Twenty Questions? What was Twenty Questions like? Oh, no, no, not like Mad Men at all. No dou­ble enten­dre. “Double enten­dre”? Doesn’t mat­ter. Listeners sent in sub­jects that the pan­elists had to guess in twen­ty ques­tions. That was it. No dou­ble enten­dre.… Yesterday, a kid, I used to listen—as the lis­ten­er I used to lis­ten, yes­ter­day.… Hmm, fun­ny, how life has a way of turn­ing things around. Today I feel less a lis­ten­er, more a pan­elist. Today.… Oh, this last one on your list is a doozy: “What will you most miss?” The very ques­tion Bill Slater would ask. Bill Slater? Doesn’t mat­ter. If the pan­el guessed wrong the lis­ten­er got a prize. A free mag­a­zine sub­scrip­tion or oth­er. To Pageant, I believe it was. Pageant? Oh, Pageant was the poor man’s Reader’s Digest. Went under in ’77, Pageant did. Twenty Questions in ’54 or there­abouts.… Did I men­tion I was in adver­tis­ing? …  So, what’s the prize? cuz, y’see, I’ve got the answer to your num­ber twen­ty. Ready? … “Nimrod.” Y’know, Enigma Variations? Elgar? Princess Di’s funer­al? Right, right, that  Princess Di … The one to be want­ed.… to be touched … to be loved.… Right, right, now you got it, that “Nimrod.”…


Vincent Barry …