D. E. Hardy ~ Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Genevieve’s liv­er wan­dered at night, nev­er far, just down the road, into this house or that, crawl­ing through a win­dow or down a chim­ney, nib­bling on whomev­er, on Sarah Cunningham after her ass­hole ter­ri­er tore up the rhodo­den­drons, on Amy Vanderwall when her shit kid dinged the mail­box, and each morn­ing, clean as god­li­ness, a trail of bile baked on the side­walk, glis­ten­ing with dis­tilled bits of toe­nail and skin, lit­tle signs of progress, Genevieve always upon the porch, rub­bing her side just below the rib, wav­ing to this neigh­bor or that. Another beau­ti­ful day.


D. E. Hardy’s work has appeared in Clockhouse Magazine (Pushcart Nomination), The Esthetic Apostle, and The Fault Zone. She is a fic­tion edi­tor for Chestnut Review and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.