Our friends at Mississippi Review have published, under the fine editorial hand of Julia Mae Johnson, an anthology of thirty years of stories, poems, essays and interviews published in MR when Frederick Barthelme was its editor. Though the 880 page volume doesn’t try to be a complete record, it is an engaging tasting menu of the adventurous work published in the magazine 1977–2010, including work by John Barth, John Hawkes, Rick Moody, Ann Beattie, Ray Carver, Amy Hempel, Larry Brown, James Tate, Charles Simic, Susan Minot, Billy Collins, Kiki Delancey, Marc Doty, Rita Dove, Wells Tower, Tao Lin, Padgett Powell, Thom Jones, Kim Chinquee, J.P. Dancing Bear, Ray Federman, Russell Edson, Francine Prose and scores of others. If you’re interested you can buy it direct from Mississippi Review.
For a complete list of contributors, see below.