Steve Deutsch ~ Poker

     It is noth­ing to me who runs the Dive.
     Let’s have a look at anoth­er five.
           –Robert Frost in Dive’s Dive

My grand­ma taught me.
She wasn’t some namby-pamby
who’d let her grand­son win
to build his self-esteem.

Nah. She took my allowance
and my lunch money
and had me out on my bike
deliv­er­ing the Daily News.

She showed me how to mix
and deal—from the top, bottom
and mid­dle, like a card sharp
on a Mississippi pad­dle boat.

She taught me position,
the ratio of pot to bet,
and had me calculate
the odds of a draw on the fly.

Nana let me watch her games
to teach me tells—
catch when six fin­ger Johnny taps his toes
and black-eyed Susan rubs her nose.

She taught me to look a stranger straight in the eye
and lie. Convince him my five cards,
good only to mark a place in books,
was at least a high straight.

Grandma kept the mon­ey she won
from me for in a glass pick­le jar.
I always thought I’d get it back—
but not a nickel.
Steve Deutsch is poet­ry edi­tor of Centered Magazine and was the first poet in res­i­dence at the Bellefonte Art Museum. Steve was nom­i­nat­ed three times for the Pushcart Prize and once for The Best of the Net Anthology. He has pub­lished six books of poet­ry. One, Brooklyn, was award­ed the Sinclair Poetry Prize from Evening Street Press.