Kyle Hemmings

Girl, Waiting

Your life of chewed hambones,
bro­ken strings, hear­ing a sound
that resem­bled a whistle,
trailed you at a distance,
some­times beside you,
& on one occasion
your feet became shiv­er­ing fish.
You avoid­ed your own wedding
to a pale faced girl your par­ents chose
for her out­stand­ing punctuality.
It seemed you were always walking
along rail­road tracks, either side,
East or West. Under yel­low sky.

One day the train will stop.
The whis­tle ceases
& the train will take you
where she waits,
a plat­form too hard on the eyes,
the only girl you ever slept with
expect­ing you for once

to be on time.


Kyle Hemmings lives and works in New Jersey. In his spare time, he talks to pissed off cab dri­vers and is still look­ing for the per­fect cheese­burg­er. His work has appeared or will soon appear in Prick of the Spindle, Smokelong Quarterly, Nano Fiction, Staccato Fiction, Camroc Press, Decomp, and Lonesome Fowl. Kyle has a first book of poet­ry due out soon, called Fuzzy Logic. Kyle does not deal with numbers.