Stephan Hastings-King

Event Particle

She says her name is Venetia. Like the blinds. She is a man­i­fold of tem­po­ral flows. Her fig­ures include dot­ted white lines that con­nect your hand to between her legs. You fol­low them into day­dreams while she com­pos­es her­self from sen­tences. She is young. She says stu­pid things


Stephen Hastings-King lives by a salt marsh in Essex, Massachusetts where he makes con­straints, works with pre­pared piano and writes enter­tain­ments of var­i­ous kinds. Some of his sound work is avail­able at His short fic­tions have appeared in Nordicum-Mediterraneum, Sleepingfish, Black Warrior Review, Metazen and elsewhere.