Élan Lafontaine


When is it get­ting decid­ed that we’re assigned to decide was what kind was the bug?

I said, “Sit down!”

Sit down like you were again, Tony!”

I’m think­ing what was our con­ver­sa­tion is, and Tony was dis­cussing the recent pic­tures to aid me for dis­cussing the some of the bugs, and our watch gets to get about on being sev­en, and everybody’s all noticed: that’s com­ing with the one more of their announce­ment that’s by me!

Tony has spot­ted their phone there was, and said, yes, I pre­pared my voice?

ME: Good evening, gen­tle­men! Good evening, gen­tle­men! We would just like it that every­one here knows that when you’re up the stairs tonight, please, we would be hap­py if you let us hold the items, because we clear­ly, we hold that dur­ing your hour. Again, please, when you are up the stairs, please, we would be hap­py if you let us hold the items, because we clear­ly hold that dur­ing your hour. You should let us have your stuff for an hour please – we will def­i­nite­ly be doing it! Remember, it’s an hour, please! Also, please, for when it’s when you are trav­el­ling with the small kids, please, we ask you, please, make sure, be with them! Please, when you’re with the small kids, please, we please ask you please to please make sure to please be with them. Please, this is not only because of your safe­ty, but it’s for the safe­ty of them, and it’s also because of the safe­ty of oth­ers. Please, this is not only because of your safe­ty, but it’s for the safe­ty of them, and it’s also because of the safe­ty of oth­ers, please. So, thank you! Thank you for com­ing here, and as always, please, have that great night! Thank you! Thank you! Evening!

Tony,” I said, “Was I reading?”

What real­ly was it?”

Tony asks, “What did you read, it’s something?”

You’re for­get­ting?”

ME: Hello, gen­tle­men, again, hel­lo! Also, please, gen­tle­men, please, gen­tle­men, we’re ask­ing if please that you do not put your­selves into any­thing that we have when you aren’t in the rooms we have, please. Please, we do this because we have rooms please for this. Again, please, we do this please because we have rooms for this, please. So, gen­tle­men, thank you! Gentlemen, thank you. Evening!

From that, Tony’s excel­lent boyfriend took me to there and we saw we pos­sessed bugs so that we would look at tak­ing our choic­es out of them, and I was ask­ing loud­ly increas­ing­ly, “Is this brown?”

Is this brown?”

This is brown?”

Is this brown?”



This is brown?”

Is this brown?”

We were dis­cov­er­ing there were blacks and the whites too and we had dis­cov­ered blacks and whites and the dis­cov­er­ies of the blondes, but Linda’s at least not found anything.

Linda,” I said, “Linda, I have ques­tions: Linda, do you know where Tony walked?”

I said, “Linda, do I have to ask? Tony?”



That’s you, Linda?” I said.


I said, “Linda, what’s your face?”

Yesterday Linda fre­quent­ly looked like it was Linda!

Today’s was the first time I had got the chances up until when I often looked at her face right now, and she hid under a hand!

I said, “Linda, there’s a gen­tle­man, he wants things, yeah, should I do it?”

I said, “Hi!”


Did you find everything?”

These? Your things?”

They’re your things, they’re your things?”

I’m not both­ered and I’m not look­ing like I like to have walked into him and I don’t know if any­one does any­thing here and what it still is?

I’m not look­ing like I like to have walked around!

These? They’re your things? These? They’re your things?”

What is it when the men are always that blind like it’s when they’re blind­er and there are fam­i­lies of gen­tle­men with their things and there are gen­tle­men and fam­i­lies and the things and I retrieved their things?

I am not look­ing like that!

I don’t!

The gen­tle­man said, “When am I?”

He said, “How soon am I?”

Why I motioned Tony’s boyfriend for tak­ing my sit­u­a­tion was towards what Tony’s boyfriend used to han­dle with us; I almost watched this man once again but except that was when he was going and we got suc­cess, and I looked at Linda.

Oh, Linda,” I said, “Your face isn’t okay!”

Tony hugged him and said, “Since when can’t we get off Linda’s face?”

Tony said, “Hasn’t this sort of looked like she’s always hiding?”

Tony!” I said.

I said, “Tony’s back?”

Look!” I said, “Is it Tony?”


Tony said, “Are you working?”


This is brown?”

Is this brown?”

Is that brown?”

Is this brown?”

That’s brown?”

Is that brown?”


Is this brown?”

LINDA: Good evening, gen­tle­men! Good evening, gen­tle­men! We would just like it that every­one here knows that when you’re up the stairs tonight, please, we would be hap­py if you let us hold the items, because we clear­ly do hold that dur­ing your hour. Again, please, when you are up the stairs, please, we would be hap­py if you let us hold the items, because we clear­ly do hold that dur­ing your hour. Remember, it’s an hour, please! Also, please, for when it’s when you are trav­el­ling with the small kids, please, we ask you, please, make sure, be with them! Please, when you’re with the small kids, please, we please ask you please to please make sure to please be with them. Please, this is not only because of your safe­ty, but it’s for the safe­ty of them, and it’s also because of the safe­ty of oth­ers. Please, this is not only because of your safe­ty, but it’s for the safe­ty of them, and it’s also because of the safe­ty of oth­ers, please. Also, please, gen­tle­men, please, gen­tle­men, we’re ask­ing if please that you do not put your­selves into any­thing that we have when you aren’t in the rooms we have, please. Please, we do this because we have rooms please for this. Again, please, we do this please because we have rooms for this, please. So, thank you! Thank you for com­ing here, and as always, please, have that great night! Thank you! Thank you! Evening!


Élan Lafontaine is 22 and he lives in San Francisco. Élan was in Ithaca, NY for two years, went to col­lege in Schenectady, NY for two years, and was raised in Rochester. Élan’s writ­ing will appear at NOON in 2012.