The Flash Fiction Issue

tumblr_mtmwtgziej1s4s1x2o1_1280We are prepar­ing a flash fic­tion issue this spring. We has­ten to state [a fact or belief con­fi­dent­ly and force­ful­ly] that we are not late to this par­ty, hav­ing pub­lished what were then called short shorts since 1995 or there­abouts, and we are remind­ed that we’ve done a cou­ple of issues of shorts/flash previously.

Now we specif­i­cal­ly invite sub­mis­sions of flash pieces (near or under 1000 words, or maybe a few more) and encour­age inter­est­ed folk to sub­mit essays (of appro­pri­ate length) on flash fiction–the his­to­ry, the sources, the cur­rent prac­tice, the influ­ence of the Internet, etc. for a Special Issue. Almost any­thing about flash fic­tion will be wel­comed and care­ful­ly considered.

Our band of vig­or­ous and cheer­ful edi­tors, believ­ers, skep­tics, unbe­liev­ers, inter­est­ed & dis­in­ter­est­ed par­ties, Tories and Whigs alike, will sift through the sub­mis­sions and try to find suf­fi­cient fuel for a small fire (and milk). We would not want to call this a sym­po­sium, but we hope to observe and rep­re­sent the cur­rent land­scape of very short fic­tion and its mak­ers and detrac­tors, if any.

We sug­gest, as a start­ing point, you read Jane Ciabattari’s very inter­est­ing piece in the cur­rent

To sub­mit, click on this link: I want to sub­mit to the NWW flash issue.

Art by Chloe Poizat, Paris, France