• Gary Percesepe ~ Berrigan

    My mom just called from the nurs­ing home. She sur­vived anoth­er painful heart episode. She asked me how the peo­ple liked the Italian songs I sang in church. She has asked me this before. I have sung no Italian songs, in church or any­where else. Then –more

  • Glen Pourciau ~ Gala

    I couldn’t see my way clear to make it to the annu­al Gala.  I had RSVPed under self-imposed pres­sure, but I wasn’t above claim­ing a sud­den ill­ness should any­one men­tion my fail­ure to attend.  I’d cleaned myself up in a more fas­tid­i­ous man­ner –more

  • Lucinda Kempe ~ Queer Birds

    I sat on the back­stairs, on the top step near the screened kitchen door, wait­ing. I did a lot of wait­ing. For Maud Ellen to come talk, or my grand­moth­er, Mamoo, or Daddy when­ev­er he’d appear, or for our dogs, Wanda and Beebee. Pinning down the dogs –more

  • James Robert Steelrails ~ Reason

  • Kim Magowan & Michelle Ross ~Abuse and Other Words My Mother and I Disagree About

    My moth­er acts like the con­flict between her and me is seman­tic, rather than due to her crap­py par­ent­ing. For instance, when I try to talk to her about how when I was a kid and she was pissed at me, or sim­ply found me irri­tat­ing and noisy, she would –more

  • Jose Hernandez Diaz ~ Three Flash Fictions

    Mariachi in the City

    A Mariachi walked in the city in the mid­dle of the day. He had a gold trum­pet at his side. His Mariachi suit and som­brero were black with gold embroi­dery and he wore a red bow tie. Every now and then, at red lights, he would play –more

  • Sandra Seaton ~ Home

    Sunday din­ner in Columbia, Tennessee: fried chick­en, mixed greens— turnips, mus­tard, and spinach, pan-fried corn, twice milked then stirred with flour and water, can­died sweets, chow chow; plates of sliced toma­toes, –more

  • David Galef ~ Three Flash Fictions

    After the Orgy

    After the Sunday orgy, the men changed their shirts. The women changed their shoes.

    Man #1 swag­gered all week.

    Woman #2 com­posed a per­son­al ad: “Needy woman in search of help­less man. Weren’t you at the orgy on Sunday?”

    Man #2 won­dered –more

  • Thaisa Frank ~ Occupants

  • Gary Percesepe ~ An Interview with Roxana Robinson

    Our Struggle: On the Experience of Reading Karl Ove Knaussgaard

    I read Book One of Karl Ove Knausgaard epic nov­el My Struggle in 2014, and was instant­ly hooked. In sub­se­quent years I read books two through five, and wait­ed for the English –more

  • Andrew Stancek ~ The Sting on the Skin

    The day after my thir­teenth birth­day chunks of ice bounced off the roofs, off –more

  • John Mancini ~ Not Expecting a Miracle

    The hos­pi­tal lob­by was all cool air and I was sweat­ing. Orderlies nipped by with bod­ies on gur­neys, nurs­es behind, sneak­ers squeaking. Everyone but me knew just –more

  • Thomas Cook ~ Four Micro Essays


    All night the shops on the 16th Street Promenade fill with neo­phyte prom­e­naders. The dogs curl up on the green sleep­ing bags of their own­ers, and I can’t find a pet store. My heart aches for the dogs while I go to buy King Crab. A thou­sand –more

  • DS Levy ~ Talisman

    When we first got mar­ried, some­one gave us a plas­tic pink flamin­go as a joke. We plant­ed it in the front yard next to the bar­ber­ry bush­es. For a while, every time I pulled into the dri­ve-way I’d see it and laugh: Hahaha. Or at least my lips would –more

  • Joseph Grantham ~ Pharmacy

    Kurt Vonnegut was read­ing Journey to the End of the Night when he wrote Slaughterhouse-Five. I’m on the bed, watch­ing base­ball. I think I have throat can­cer. I shined a light on the back of my throat and there’s a yel­low bump –more

  • Eric Pankey ~ Two Poems


    Beneath the iron truss bridge,
    Shadows over­lap and merge,
    Ride the deep creek’s mov­ing surface.

    Sioux quartzite spires rise
    As pal­isades on either side
    Somewhere in South Dakota

    Forty-odd years ago.
    My friend —I just learned –more

  • Please Note

    For the summer months, beginning at midnight tonight (CST) we won’t accept submissions over 500 words. Manuscripts with a greater word count will be discarded. Why? We don’t know. Something. We anticipate further review of the magazine’s format

  • Pui Ying Wong ~ Three Poems


    The sun came out and dried
    the grass. I sat under a tree,
    eat­ing an apple. “Time to be healed”
    the poet wrote. Stillness around me.
    Language of met­al and clay,
    mal­leable as memory.
    Cities were –more

  • Meg Tuite ~ There’s No Tomorrow the Same As Yesterday

    Mothers and fathers lean in door­ways to keep any­one from for­get­ting them. What hap­pens when a per­son­al­i­ty can’t find its way back? Let’s say I promise to look for myself in the con­cerned or dep­re­cat­ing glances of oth­ers. Dread fil­ters through the –more

  • Gary Percesepe ~ Another Crisis

    Lester was lament­ing the state of things we’d got­ten our­selves into. “We’ve missed too many boats.” I could see his brain work­ing over­time in there, like his skull was full of pant­i­ng egrets. He wor­ried about any­thing, like the recent hole –more