• Clancy Martin

    Bad Sex, Part Two


    I want you to try on engage­ment rings,” Eduard said. “Just for fun.”

    We were in San Salvador. He’d found us a hotel with a beach we could walk on. We woke ear­ly and walked along the beach for more than an hour. We climbed a hill cov­ered with vines and on the oth­er side there was a sea cave. We took off our shoes and our clothes and put them on a high rock and swam naked. We were in the water for half an hour and Eduard said, “Look!” and caught his own wal­let float­ing in the water. He found my shoes in the surf. There was no beach left by our cave and we had to swim out beyond and around the rocks with our clothes in our hands to get back to land. I had want­ed to make love on the sand in that cave.

  • New Work for Fall

    We’ve just added anoth­er half-dozen pieces to our Fall col­lec­tion. Please check them out if you haven’t been by in a while. New pieces by Claudia Smith, Clancy Martin, Kathy Fish, Peter Ramos, Glen Pourciau, David Moolten and oth­ers. Click here.

  • Bobbie Ann Mason & Robert Lopez

    New work from Mason and Lopez, along with Steven Wingate and Joan Wilking, just added to the Fall 2015 issue edit­ed by Kim Chinquee. Hit this link or Fall 2015 in the main menu above for a look see. –more

  • Fall Issue

    We’re pleased to have our Associate Editor Kim Chinquee select­ing and edit­ing the Fall 2015 issue of New World Writing. Kim has already tak­en sev­er­al pieces and will be read­ing through the mid­dle of December at least, so keep the work com­ing. –more

  • Pia Z. Ehrhardt

    I Wanted To Sit Closer

    On a cold morn­ing in January, my father showed up on our front porch. He said he was in town for a hair­cut; there was a salon he and his sec­ond wife went to in Bucktown, a neigh­bor­hood that hadn’t flood­ed. My hus­band and son and I had just returned to New Orleans to live togeth­er again under one roof.

  • Sara C. Thomason

    The Knowledge Center

    In Kuwait, me and Mark go to work with Mom.  Every night at six, she brings us to class so we can watch her teach English to young busi­ness­men.  She likes the fact that she’s in charge of the con­fer­ence room.  The Arabs have to keep their eyes on Mom or she’ll kick them out, and Mark thinks that’s fun­ny.  I’m the oppo­site.  I don’t like the way they stare at her when she sucks on the end of her pen, or how she flash­es bits of her bare shoul­der when she turns around—but I don’t com­plain.  The new mot­to of this fam­i­ly is: We’re here, so get used to it.  That is what I’m doing.

  • About the Fall 2015 Issue


    We are pleased to report that Kim Chinquee, author of Oh, Baby and Pretty, and par­tic­u­lar­ly well known for her exquis­ite flash fic­tions, will be edit­ing the Fall 2015 issue of NWW. We –more

  • John Henry Fleming


    Frank took up golf when he and his wife moved to Lost Lakes Preserve three months ago. He hadn’t bro­ken nine­ty, and today looked like the day. He’d cov­ered the front nine in 44, chipped in for birdie on 11, and holed a thir­ty-foot­er for anoth­er birdie on 14. Standing now on the 16th tee, he knew he had only to bogey his way in for an 89—a small thing, maybe, but he under­stood that the small suc­cess­es were the only ones left to him. Last year he’d final­ly been pro­mot­ed to pres­i­dent of his ad firm after being bypassed again and again for younger can­di­dates with new ideas, or old­er can­di­dates with more expe­ri­ence, or stronger lead­ers, or bet­ter con­sen­sus builders—always some­one else. Now he’d final­ly reached the top of his small region­al agency, and there was nowhere else to go unless he was will­ing to sidle his way into one of the nation­als, which would also mean a tem­po­rary step back­ward for the promise of some­thing bet­ter. At 58, he’d keep the sure thing, espe­cial­ly when the sure thing had giv­en him and Jeanne the means to build their dream house on one of the last remain­ing golf course lots at Lost Lakes.

  • Doug Lawson

    The Night Witches

    Months before the fire—the big one that cuts up through the homes in our hills like a plane through a flock of doves—I see Rochelle in the street. It’s a Sunday. She has her hand in some guy’s pock­et. Her hair is paler than I remem­ber it, and it hangs down around her face like she still cuts it her­self. She is tanned, bro­ken-in, like she’s been liv­ing out­doors all these years.

  • Kate Axelrod

    So Long

    Ana grinned as she walked toward him, weav­ing her way through the heavy traf­fic of Canal Street. Michael smiled and pre­tend­ed to look some­thing up on his phone. It was late May but Manhattan felt like a desert that day; blind­ing sun­light and a dry, brit­tle kind of heat.

  • Claudia Cadavid


    She, who nev­er asks for any­thing, point­ed to the dis­play case and said, “I want this.”  It was a porce­lain Christmas fig­urine, noth­ing short of a glazed mon­u­ment.  As a cen­ter­piece, it would over­take most of a din­ner table.  Santa Claus was sculpt­ed into a Mexican cow­boy, with spurred boots, som­brero, and a black mus­tache.  Mexican Santa sat high on a blan­ket sad­dle and held the reins of a red-nosed bur­ro, lift­ed onto its hind legs, tri­umphant­ly car­ry­ing them to the North Pole.  Like all Santas, his cheeks were rud­dy and his smile jovial.  Cargo hung off the burro’s flank, bulging with dolls and oth­er children’s toys.   My father bought it for my moth­er imme­di­ate­ly, because she had asked.

  • Stephanie Leary

    Future Mistakes

    Raisa Kolbe cast a wor­ried stare through the glass par­ti­tion at the only swad­dled new­born not cry­ing.  Baby Boy Arturo’s eyes focused on the ceil­ing as if he were send­ing up his prayers before the inevitable hap­pened.  Raisa tapped on the glass in an attempt to rouse him but only suc­ceed­ed in gar­ner­ing the atten­tion of the nurse.

    Raisa point­ed to the baby and mouthed, “Is he okay?”

  • Summer Issue Has Arrived

    A spe­cial issue edit­ed by James Whorton, the Summer 2015 num­ber begins now. Please stay tuned. We will be post­ing this issue between July and October 2015.


  • More More More

    2005-08-10 14.48.58

    Let’s hear it for Dylan Smeak!  Maron Tate! Paige Clark! Three new and splen­did pieces added to this Endless Spring issue of NWW.

  • 3 New Pieces for Spring

    Up today we have three new sto­ries–Emily Eckart, Anna Hagen, and Karen Wunsch. More to come.

  • Spring 2015

    2010-01-26 02.28.41Curated/edited by Jared Hegwood, the Spring num­ber starts now, includ­ing work from Andy Plattner, Alex Higley, Erin Armstrong, Nellie Aberdeen, Paul Luikart, P.J.Underwood, and Tracie Dawson, among oth­ers. Please stayed tuned.

  • New Winter Pieces

    We’ve expand­ed our hold­ings for the win­ter issue, adding new work by Andrew Rhodes, Ellis Purdie, Fortunato –more

  • Winter 2015

    We have begun to assem­ble the Winter 2015 issue under the watch­ful eye of Associate Editor Elizabeth Wagner. We will be read­ing and adding work for this issue through March 2015, so please keep us in mind for your sub­mis­sions. Click –more

  • Fall Issue


    We’ve expand­ed the fall issue and will con­tin­ue adding mate­r­i­al through December 2014. The issue is select­ed and edit­ed by Pia Ehrhardt, author of Famous Fathers (MacAdam/Cage, 2007). Her work has also appeared in Narrative –more

  • Late Summer Reading

    We’ve added new things for the sum­mer issue. JoAnna Novak’s won­der­ful “Five Minutes with the Baby,” Zvezdana Rashkovich’s “How to Love a Man in Cairo,” and Richard Lange’s “Instinctive Drowning Response.”