Mike looks at me like I make him sick. I may have done something to make him mad, but I can’t remember what. Maybe I did and maybe I didn’t, or maybe he wants me to believe I deserve to be scorned with his eyes.
Mike looks at me like I make him sick. I may have done something to make him mad, but I can’t remember what. Maybe I did and maybe I didn’t, or maybe he wants me to believe I deserve to be scorned with his eyes.
In the Price Chopper, and I am about to grab a can of Niblets, quick Thursday dinner, when Dow, who is teaching Bio this semester, sneaks up behind me. There is all kinds of Phil Collins around us in the air, and Dow is his usual sweat on his upper
A tropical storm had formed somewhere off the coast and was forecasted to turn into a hurricane, so we cut our vacation short and drove home in silence. My wife Kate caught me having eyes for other women at the beach. I had forgotten my
I got fired from my job at CVS for stealing Prilosec OTC to alleviate the horrendous side-effects of my chronic GERD, so I started buying novelty baseball hats from China and selling them on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building. My girlfriend
July 2024 submissions close 7/14/24. We will next accept submissions October 1–14, 2024. We do not accept submissions between issues. Thanks to all who submitted to this issue and special thanks to our Senior editors
1. VR with 360, with immersion, with immediacy: it is the ultimate empathy machine says one practitioner/promoter. Thing is, the writer in Art Forum argues, it’s empathy for yourself, in yourself, with yourself. VR is stuck in its vividness
You have just buried your second dog. The afternoon is getting sticky. You put the spade back in the garage, kick off the boots and pour yourself two fingers of Gordon’s. You sit down and listen to the neighbor’s guard
I @mentioned Yang in our WeChat group chat at eight AM my time and PM their time, telling her I dreamed of her being a North Korean spy. In my dream she was only revealed as being from North Korea,
(René Taïcon: 1930 Archives départmentales Pas-de-Calais 4Z482 Sous-prefecture de Saint-Omer, France)
My mother was Fridolin, a boy of fourteen. He pushed me forward in the soup line, and dealt
It wasn’t really a food court, which was a bunch of restaurants in a mall or a building lobby. This was a buffet, different offerings set up in a single dining space, a meal included in the price of a room, here in the hotel.
Tonight, while we sleep, new cones are developing in the eyes of ten million, never before seen. If you have ever watched a time lapse of a watermelon growing, it’s like that. Nothing for weeks, until miraculously, something.
She painted all sorts of paintings, my other grandmother. Lots of paintings of clowns. Nudes. When I was a kid she painted the Space Shuttle Columbia. Not the one that exploded, that was the Challenger,
What I tell him is this—let’s shoot a film / not a serious feature / but a movie you make with your friends / no stunts or dialogue / only us / goofing off / drawing in dirt / painting white circles with mops / clapping
- a region of southern Greece
- a mythological place of rustic innocence and pastoral pleasure: paradise, utopia, Eden, Shangri-La, nirvana
- a metaphor for an ideal but unattainable world
“Et in Arcadia Ego”
I missed the
Here’s one thing about my mum.
She used to collect paper. She had an old grey-blue folder, tattered, giving up at the edges. Written on it, in her precise yet bouncy red marker letters, it read: “Cartotecnica e varie”. Which
I didn’t say anything to Naomi about the old man at the restaurant. I was in town for a conference, telling myself the usual lies. That this solitary meal was not lonely or boring, but a valuable exercise in mindfulness.
I decide to memorize one new word from the dictionary each day, so I sit in the center of the living room and stare at the heavy book in my lap. Gunshots and train whistles burst from the television behind me. Insectoid letters
My Problems
are so much more intriguing
than your problems.
My problems have heft,
(although heft is not one
of my problems thank God,
my genes, and my fine
metabolism). Your problems
are a cluster of lofty
A young Christian couple selling pie slices. As you approached their table, the woman swept away a little cardboard tent, one that you were pretty sure said $3, tucked it behind her back, stood up straight next to the young